ID3 Renamer is a freeware id3v2 editing application that's advanced.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Rename tens of thousands of files by reading ID3 tags to whichever naming convention you choose with only a few mouse clicks. Screenshot of ID3 Renamer - 598px · 533pxBatch rename or edit tags for audio files. Screenshot of ID3 Renamer - 598px · 533pxMP3 renaming and tag filling utility. Screenshot of ID3 Renamer - 598px · 533pxID3 Renamer: User interface. Screenshot of ID3 Renamer - 593px · 319pxScreenshot of ID3 Renamer - Size: 821px · 571pxScreenshot of ID3 Renamer - Size: 532px · 375px